Fight Or Die (Full Project)

Clash of Captured Gladiator (Full Project) is a complete Unity Project, that can be imported into Unity. It’s available on the Unity Asset Store. This project is made in Unity version 2020.3.6.f1. If someone buys it, they must have at least this version or a higher Unity version loaded on their operation system, that this Whole Project can be imported into Unity.


– 3D game
– 12 different scenes
– 1 terrain
– 1 skybox
– 10 levels
– 1 player which is our character
– player have 5 different attacks
– 10 different enemies
– 1 enemy have 4 different attacks
– 3 different sound effects for player (When attack, getting hurt or when dies)
– 27 different sound effects for enemies (When attack, getting hurt or when dies)
– one enemy have 3 different sound effects
– Loop music in game
– Automatic save game after level is completed
– This project is made for Operating system like :  Windows, MAC and Linux


You must first import the project into Unity version 2020.3.6f1 or higher.

When you have once a project in Unity, this structure of the whole project is displayed on the left side. In addition you also have the Documentation folder, which contains the Documentation file in pdf format, which describes a complete explanation of how the project is composed and how to implement the game with all the images in Unity.